PraesumNI Ltd. Learner Fees

PraesumNI Ltd. as an NISQ Approved Training Centre/training organisation is regulated by NISQ the Awarding Organisation whose function is to assess, validate and provide final Grades for Certification for Learners registered on NISQ Regulated Qualifications. Each Learner must apply to NISQ to be registered on their chosen NISQ Regulated Qualification whose training will be provided by PraesumNI Ltd, the registration, information, forms and other services can be accessed through the link below. Learners are required to meet the criteria for registration set by NISQ including enhanced security clearance.
• The Following are Fees that are applicable to Learners wishing to be registered on an NISQ Regulated Qualification – The Learner Application Process Fees.
• There are also Fees that are applicable to Learners while registered on a NISQ Regulated Qualifications – The Registered Learner Fees.

Learner Fees

PraesumNI Ltd. Regulated Qualification Package Fees

The PraesumNI Ltd. Full Regulated Qualification Package Fees being Fees Learners wishing to participate in an NISQ Regulated Qualification must pay, are only available directly from PraesumNI Ltd. the NISQ Approved Centre and transparently advertised on both NISQ and PraesumNI Ltd. websites. PraesumNI Ltd. deliver NISQ Regulated Qualifications through both practice and academic teaching and training which are both closely monitored and validated to exacting standards and criteria set by NISQ.

Qualification Packages

Method of Payment

The following methods of Payment are acceptable:-

By cheque:

made payable to GSQ Group Ltd. and crossed A/C Payee only.
[please quote on back of Cheque “on behalf of NISQ” and the NISQ item/form reference number]

By bank transfer:

A/C Name: Global Security Qualifications Group Ltd
Sort Code: 09-02-22
A/C Number: 10796959
IBAN: GB39ABBY09022210796959

By debit/credit card:

Payments accepted by debit/credit cards

Card payment